Working With Children
The Victorian Government through the Dept of Justice has introduced the
“Working with Children Act 2005”. The WWC check applies to adults
who work with children or are engaged in volunteer roles involving children
less than 18 years of age. The WWC check helps protect children from
physical or sexual harm by checking a person’s criminal history for serious
The WWC check covers all areas of administration, officiating, coaching,
overnight supervision at camps and clinics.
The Association has decided the following persons’ need to obtain a Working
with Children check:
Region/Centre/Club Executive committees,
Officials (at State & Region events),
Team managers,
Volunteers without children registered at the
Selectors for state teams/squads,
First aid personnel,
Athletic Development Officers working in
Volunteers at Association run activities
Parents who have children registered at the Centre where they volunteer
are exempt from the WWC check.
The WWC check is obtained by submitting an application form that is obtained
from most Australia Post outlets. A passport size photo is required
when submitting the application along with several forms of identification.
Volunteers receive their WWC check FREE.
It is an easy process, please see anyone on the Committee who will be more
than happy to explain or provide more info.
We thank you for your ongoing assistance to provide safe environments for
our children to grow.
Further information on the Working with Children Check can be found at
the Department
of Justice website.