About Pakenham Little Athletics

Pakenham Little Athletics Club is club #65 of Little Athletics Victoria. We’ve been around since 1970 and in 2023 moved to our new, purpose built track and feild facilities located at IYU Reserve on Henry Road, Pakenham.
PLAC meets nearly every Saturday morning of the season; we also have some twilight sessions. Please refer to our season calendar for more details.
- For Saturday morning sessions we start at 8:30am sharp. We aim to finish by 12:30pm however this does depend on the number of athletes taking part and the amount of parent assistance we receive each morning.
- For Friday twilight sessions we start at 6:00pm sharp. As this is a reduced program, we anticipate finishing by 8pm. Again this is governed by the number of athletes and assistance we have during the session
Weekly training takes place on Tuesday night for the following athletes (Under 6 to Under 17) between 5:30pm and 6:30pm.
All children aged from 5 years are more than welcome to join.
Weekly meets are family friendly and helps your children stay active and to achieve goals.
Please see our F.A.Q’s or contact a member if you need any more info.